Is Coffee a Superfood?

When it comes to coffee, there’s more to love than just the taste. Recent research has shown that coffee can have significant health benefits. After listening to an eye-opening podcast by Tim Spector and James Hoffman, I wanted to share some of the incredible things I learned about how coffee supports your health.

What Makes Coffee Healthy?

Coffee’s benefits come from the combination of fibre, antioxidants, and other compounds produced during fermentation. These elements come together to reduce the risk of heart disease and support gut health. One study even shows a 25% reduction in heart disease risk among regular coffee drinkers.

Surprising Fibre Content

We often overlook the fact that coffee is a good source of fibre! Just two cups contain more fibre than a banana. With 1.5 grams of fibre per cup, your daily brew can help meet your recommended fibre intake, supporting digestion and metabolism.

Coffee & Gut Health

Coffee is also a microbiome hero. The fibre in coffee feeds Lordsenobacta, a gut microbe that produces beneficial compounds like quinic acid. These compounds help reduce blood pressure and sugar levels, while also offering anti-inflammatory benefits. 

The Role of Caffeine

Caffeine is more than just an energy boost—it’s a natural defence mechanism produced by the coffee plant. Arabica beans have less caffeine due to their high-altitude growing conditions, while Robusta beans have twice the caffeine to ward off insects at lower altitudes.

As coffee lovers, we’re not just enjoying a delicious drink—we're tapping into nature’s health-promoting magic.

So next time you sip on your favourite Tambia brew, remember it’s packed with more than just flavour; it’s doing wonders for your body too!

If you want to listed to the podcast you can find it in the below link:


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